
IP Antispoofing — Types and Practical Application

IP anti-spoofing is a security approach, which prevents online scam based on the IP address tampering: URL hijacking, man-in-the-middle, etc.

[2303.01126] Speaker-Aware Anti-Spoofing

We address speaker-aware anti-spoofing, where prior knowledge of the target speaker is incorporated into a voice spoofing countermeasure (CM).

Countering the risks of file type spoofing in cybersecurity

A common but often overlooked tactic is altering file extensions to hide malicious files in plain sight: a method called file type spoofing.


A web extension that augments websites with additional visual information, allowing to make an informed decision about a website's legitimacy.

Low Pass Filtering and Bandwidth Extension for Robust Anti ...

A reliable voice anti-spoofing countermeasure system needs to robustly protect automatic speaker verification (ASV) systems in various kinds of spoofing ...

A Survey of GNSS Spoofing and Anti-Spoofing Technology

Spoofing defense must first detect the attack and then recover the verified real location/timing. At present, most anti-spoofing detection focuses on detecting ...


The AntiSpoof extension is an extension for preventing confusable usernames from being created. It blocks the creation of accounts with ...

Prevent File Extension Spoofing - File Type Verification

A spoofed file usually indicates malicious intent, so to mitigate this risk, MetaDefender can block files with incorrect extensions, For example, MetaDefender ...

Good anti fingerprinting spoofing extension other than brave ...

Is there any actually good extension to help spoof fingerprinting? I used the extension cavasblocker but you need to download multiple extesnions.

An incrementally deployable anti

BASE is an anti-spoofing protocol designed to fulfill the incremental deployment properties. Furthermore, BASE is designed to work in the software-defined ...

